Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Roo doesn't really like to draw. But sometimes I ask him to draw pictures for me, because few things are as guaranteed to make me happy as that.

Here are some of his pieces. He didn't give his permission, but I'm sure he won't mind.

Kangaroo. (Note the pouch)

When I asked why he had drawn such a small portrait, he said it's because she's small in real life. That made sense. I think the hair is pretty right on.


Deja said...

Okay. Oh wow. Okay. That dolphin has made my life so happy. Thank you, Roo.

Kathie said...

Thanks for the laugh! Oh, and tell Roo I am super impressed with his summersalt skills

Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Are any of these for sale? I taught Roo everything he knows about art.

Amy said...

My question is, since he drew Esmé from memory, did he look at a dolphin and a kangaroo while drawing them?