Friday, January 7, 2011

Changed Priorities Ahead

I've been reading through my old journal from my study abroad in Great Britain. There are a lot of things I liked about Britain, but when I came across a page of my own sketches of my favorite British road signs, I remembered that this was what I loved about Britain:

As if the badgers weren't bad enough:

I spent a while thinking about what that sign actually signifies, but I've got nothing.

Watch out!

Then come the exclamation marks:
Something which seriously warrants the public's attention:
Not just any squirrels, but:

This one can be interpreted a number of different ways:
As if driving on the wrong side of the road wasn't bad enough:

And finally, the truest sign of them all:
Rather delightful, wouldn't you agree?


sarahandmike said...

These are pretty great. I'm going to have to talk to Naomi about most of them though. I googled them and still can't figure them out. The best I got was that there might be sausages in the road, old cars in the road, or fire crackers in the road. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't make a street sign for any of those things!

Lizzie Jones said...

This just made my whole day/ night/ day.

Emily Wright said...

Hilarious! In Slovenia they have an elderly people sign too, with a crooked old man and his cane. Who designs these?

Lynn said...

Hilarious signs! So glad you recorded them! Loved them all and I can imagine how you must have laughed when you saw them in England.

Emily said...

Loved this.