Thursday, June 20, 2013

Spring walks

I used to take the sun for granted. Now when it makes an appearance, I stop whatever I'm doing so we can get outside and enjoy it. Springtime in England is beautiful--overgrown, lush, blooming. When you add sunshine and blue sky, it feels like heaven, almost too beautiful to handle in more than a few hourly doses a week. I think that's the real reason for all the clouds and rain--without them we all might fall into beauty-induced comas.

A few weeks ago we drove out to the temple and wandered the grounds.

On Sunday evenings I love to take a walk past my favorite church. This time, the bell rang out while we wandered through the graves.

This is my favorite Horsham tree.

This week I expected rain, so when we had a non-wet day, I rushed the girls out to Ardingly Reservoir for a walk. Last time I tried this we got caught in a massive downpour. This time turned out great.  Esme picked flowers, watched the bees, and even went potty in the grass, which she was very excited about.

Our rose bushes are blooming. Last year, I was excited to see one or two little blooms. This year we have a bush so heavy with puffy yellow roses that it is sagging under the weight of the blooms. I feel proud of my roses. I love this time of year.


Lynn said...

Beautiful countryside, beautiful roses, and beautiful girls, makes me grateful I get to see it all soon!

Emily Wright said...

beautiful pictures!

Grannie G said...

Delightful that you could have some sunny days. Personally, I am praying for rain. I love Esme in her lavender outfit. She looks like she belongs in the landscape.