Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Day at the Track

Despite having a houseful of girls, Roo managed to have a very manly Father's Day. 

It started off with...shopping. At the mall. Okay, so the first half was still pretty girly, but Roo did end up with a very manly plaid shirt from the expedition.

On the way home from the mall, we passed the Top Gear track. (Top Gear is a hilarious British TV show about cars. I don't really care about cars, but this show is so enjoyable that I actually kind of started to care about cars.) Anyway, as we passed, we saw a sign saying today was a Super Car Charity day. We've always wanted to see the track, so we decided to drop in, not knowing what to expect.

It was cool just to be at the place where they film one of our favorite shows. But along with that, there were booths of activities, food, displays, and lots and lots of very fast cars zooming around the track. Because we got there late in the day, we only paid a fraction of the price for entry, which was nice. This was how we justified paying a lot of money for Roo to ride three laps in a super car. (The proceeds went to charity, so it was all for a good cause.) He got to choose, and he chose the red Ferrari. He got up to 140 MPH. It was a great way to channel some testosterone. It was really fun to see.

After that, we had a nice date out to see Superman. There was a lot of destruction and muscles and people getting beat up, so it was the perfect end for such a manly day...


Grannie G said...


Lynn said...

What a great treat for Roo, and all of you. I just love Esmé's outfit in the last picture. She has on a lot of layers, it is cute!

Rebecca said...

I am jealous! I love Top Gear! I really could care less about cars, but I could listen to those guys all day. How fun!

Emily Wright said...

this is so awesome! We have also been sucked into Top Gear and we were so excited to see Roo on the track!