Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bumps and Rolls

Here is a photo of me at 16.5 weeks pregnant (two weeks ago):

I think this picture is a bit deceiving because I don't think I look that pregnant most of the time - I suspect that my belly is more composed of Doritos and Milk Duds than it is of baby...In truth I am just extremely anxious to start looking obviously pregnant rather than suspiciously fat, if only to convince myself that I'm not delusional about being pregnant. So far, I've been able to wear all my normal clothes (as long as the pants are unbuttoned a bit) and often express to Roo how un-pregnant I think I look. He, however, is quick to inform me that that is not the case:
Annie: I don't think I look that different.
Roo: What?! You're turning into, like, a ball. You have to bend over to hug me!

It was also made plain to me that my pregnancy may not be such a secret when a couple of weeks ago, Alba, a co-worker who speaks no English except "please" and "thank you," stopped by my office to chat. I was able to discern from her mix of smiley one-worded Spanish sentences, raised eyebrows, and hand gestures directed at the belly that the apparentness of my pregnancy and its accompanying girth expansion transcended all language barriers. I said, "Yes," pointing at my tummy, "baby." She said, "Ahhhhhhhh," and smiled and nodded a lot.
And when I told my boss, he chuckled and said he'd known for quite a while now. He'd based his conclusion on how many snacks he'd see scattered around my desk on any given day. That's what he told me.

I've scheduled my ultrasound for next week. We are anxious to find out what kind of baby we are having, hopefully human (fingers crossed)!

In the mean time, we've been making cinnamon rolls,

watching Lando and Chase enjoy the snow (at least someone does...),

and reconnecting with the animal kingdom.


Deja said...

Ohhh, I think you make a pretty prego lady. So lovely.

I find it highly amusing that you're anxious to show more, and Roo's reaction ... love it.

Happy happy.

Mike + Mo said...

CUTE! Annie I'm sooo excited! Hurry up and find out what it is!!!

Kathie said...

It is so exciting. I remember that feeling of wanting to look more pregnant. It is an awkward stage, but trust me you will be past it in no time! Can't wait to find out what you guys are having.

Tiffany said...

You and that baby bump are adorable! I can kind of remember that feeling of wanting to look obviously pregnant. Too bad it came eleven years later when I was 32 and not pregnant.

P.S. Can I have a cinnamon roll?

TJ said...

Don't you remember how skinny, skinny you are in regular life? You look pregnant and very cute, not fat at all.

Amy said...

Oh Annie--you are so dang cute! Maybe you should let me take some maternity pics of you in April when we come out....if you want. I can't wait to see you guys tonight!

Sarah said...

You look Awesome! You'll probably be able to wear all normal clothes throughout your pregnancy because you are so petite to begin with! Can't wait to figure out what your having either, and next time you guys come out your are making those cinnamon rolls, can't wait!

Katie E. said...

You're so cute! I'm really just so happy for you and your fun life. Good luck with the ultrasound! If you don't get your first choice (y'know, human), what would you like instead? Elf, ewok, ent, etc?

Lizzie Jones said...

KIIIIIICK HERRRR!! (Lightly, gently, as to not bother the baby but man alive, Annie, you're not supposed to look that darling while growing another human... amazing.)

I know I've said it before but I am just so so so so so excited for you two to be parents.

Rick and Eden said...

Ohh, you have a cute baby bump. With my first pregnancy I wore my regular clothes (because I didn't start showing) until I was six and a half months pregnant. Totally get the feeling that you want to have a bump so that you know you're prego. We're excited for you guys and anxious to know if it's a boy or girl cousin.

Jesse C said...

Nice job guys. Those cinnamon rolls look great. Humans are probably the best kinds of babies to have so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.