Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Cove

Last night Roo and I saw The Cove, and it was one of the most impacting and powerful films I've ever seen.

It tells the story of the secret, brutal slaughter every year of 23,000 dolphins in Taiji, Japan. The dolphins are herded by sound into a bay where the young females are captured and shipped off to live in captivity in aquariums and in Carribean resorts where honeymooning couples can swim with them, under the notion that they are somehow "communing with nature," when, in fact, they are encouraging a brutal, inhumane practice thousands of miles away. The Dolphins who do not get chosen to be the entertainers of people are herded into a cove and indiscriminately and brutally slaughtered. But it gets even more sinister--the meat that is sold is contaminated with lethal amounts of poisonous mercury and the Japanese government is covering it up, often selling the meat under another name, because the capture of dolphins is a multi-billion dollar business that they do not want to lose out on.

The Cove is the story of a team of people who cared about what was happening and their efforts to show the world. The movie is fantastic and horrific. Not only did I cry, I sobbed great shoulder heaving sobs as I watched it in the theater. What is going on there is immoral, and the world needs to know about it. Please go see this movie if you can!

You can go to or to learn more.


Lynn said...

After watching the trailer it is no wonder that you cried during the movie!

Amy said...

I've been wanting to see that movie--it is good to hear a good review (and from someone I trust!)