Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Roo Can Dream, too...

We were at the dog park yesterday when Roo decided to drop this bomb:

Roo: [laughing for a while] I have to tell you about my dream.

I didn't know what to expect, but I didn't expect this:

Roo: I dreamt I was a Victoria's Secret model.

Annie: hmmmm...

He went on to explain that he was part of a large group of people all trying out to become models. Part of the competition required him to sing in front of judges, which he did quite well.
He then told me that in the next part of the dream, he was going to be judged on how "ripped" he was. Unfortunately, he woke up before that stage of the competition.

I interrupted my own laughter to ask a most important question: What were you wearing?

He claims he was wearing boxer shorts, but I guess we'll never know for sure...

All in all, it made for the most unconventional conversation I've ever had in a dog park.

(Roo said it was okay for me to share this, by the way. He's not ashamed of his modeling aspirations.)


Jesse C said...

Are you sure it wasn't a Chippendales tryout?

Mike and Emily said...

Wow. I always wonder where dreams like that come from....

Lynn said...

No one can top Roo for outrageous dreams! What amazes me too is that he remembers them.