Monday, February 7, 2011

At the Grocery Store

I'm standing at the checkout line with Esmé when an older lady passes us and stops suddenly when she sees Esmé.

Lady: OH! Is this your baby?

Me: Yes

Lady [Genuinely concerned]: Oh, but you're so young!

Me [Not sure how to respond]: Yeah, she's my first...

Lady: How old are you?!

Me: I'm going to be 25 this year.

Lady [laughing as if genuinely relieved]: Oh goodness! I thought you were 14!! Ha ha ha.

And she walks away. Her elderliness and mild foreign accent made her observation slightly less offensive.



Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

Possible Responses:

"Oh, I am really only 13. I lie about my age."

"I just look young because you are so old."

"No, this isn't my baby. I just kidnapped her."

"Das vi danya" (but only if she was Russian and she probably was.)

jordan said...

I am really interested in the lecture that she was prepared to give you as you waited to pay for the bread and milk. I imagine it would contain two or three references to "kids these days" someone or something "going to hell in a handbasket" and some derogatory reference to an ethnic, racial, religious or political group. In fact, it would have made a killer blog post.

Lizzie Jones said...

You have strange grocery store experiences. Didn't some guy try to ask you out once at the store and you had to tell him that you were married? When I go to the store, I keep my head down and walk as quickly as I can... usually because I've just come from the gym and am sweaty.

Mike + Mo said...

Hahhahaahhahhahaa! Annie I'm pretty sure no one would mistake me for a 14 year old... Especially after I have this kid, Im sure I will look 30. hahhaaa

I agree with you tho. Why do people judge? And why does it matter to her? psh... I say next time you play into it. yes I'm 14 and I'm already pregnant with my second! ahahhaa or you could say your are a polygamist and and say that your husband, Jeremiah won't give you a break! hahahaha...

Lynn said...

In 30 years, it won't be so offensive to be mistaken for being 10 years younger than you are, you just have to endure rude comments until then.