Saturday, July 17, 2010

Slumber On

This just may be the best baby in the world:

In the nearly three weeks since we've had her home, she has slept through every single night (not counting the night when she was battling dehydration and a potentially life-threatening condition.) We put her in her crib around 10 pm, she slumbers blissfully until 3 or 4 am when I feed her, after which she goes right back to sleep until another feeding at 7 or 8 am. And she really doesn't cry during the night either. I think she realizes it's very unreasonable to be crying when she could be sleeping.

We are all hoping that this pleasant pattern continues well into her twenties--minus the part where I have to feed her at 3 am.
Her exemplary sleeping schedule has allowed her parents to get good sleep, too. I slept so well a few nights ago that I dreamt that Willy Wonka and I were such good friends that I called him "Bill". My buddy, Bill Wonka.

So thank you for letting us sleep, Esmé.

Uncle Bill would be proud.


Troy and Nancee Tegeder said...

She is such a good baby. We are still having that schedule at 5 months. Can't wait to meet her. Not sure that dream indicates you are well rested. It may mean just the opposite.

TJ said...

Uncle Bill???? Wow Annie, I hope whatever you're taking doesn't pass through breast milk.

Mike + Mo said...

Hahaha, TJ! Too funny!

Annie, I love all these little details! she is so pretty, just like her mommy...

Kathie said...

Man Gavin still doesn't sleep that well. You are lucky!

Emily said...

LOL. Thanks for the laugh. And I'm so glad she's a good sleeper. Just don't tell all the new moms you know. They might key your car or egg your house. Just a warning :)