Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Three Weeks to Go!

Most of the time I feel like I look like this:

But despite feeling like an ogre sometimes, I'm pretty excited about getting so close to the big day! Any advice for a soon-to-be mother is appreciated!


Amy said...

You are so cute! You will be an amazing mother. Try to relax as much as you can before she comes!

Lynn said...

You may feel like you look like Shrek, but at least you aren't green or eat earwax, yet.

Lynn said...

AND, we are also so excited for the arrival of your baby! You are going to be a great mother because you know how to keep things in perspective and let the non-essentials not matter. And you know how to love, that is the key. Love the baby and all the rest will work out eventually.

E.Maxine.Wright said...

Ha! Funny that you feel like Shrek! I totally cried when I saw Shrek the first time because I felt that I looked exactly like Fiona! You are DARLING. You will do a fabulous job. Your daughter was sent to YOU and YOU will mother her better than anyone else could. Trust yourself!

Dangcutekids said...

You will be an incredible mom! You don't at all look like Shrek! You're beautiful, and oh so close to being done. Your arms and legs are still so small, it's all in that little bump. Just know you can do it, and Roo will be there when it gets hard, and to keep you smiling. Get as much sleep as you possibly can whenever you can. It's the thing you'll need the most, and be the hardest thing to get. Take it one day at a time. We'll be praying for you!

Tiffany said...

You look amazing! And my advice? For the love of Christmas, never EVER ask for soon-to-be-mother advice!

Although, I will tell you what I wish I could go back and tell my younger, new mother self: You have everything it takes to do this. You will be magnificent.

It's true.

The Marcons said...

Don't be scared. You will be a fabulous mother! Good luck!