Saturday, June 26, 2010


I am issuing this update to report that I have nothing to report...

The baby is due on the 30th and the doctor seems to think she will wait until at least then to come.

And with nothing to do but watch the World Cup, walk the dogs, and make unnecessary trips to the grocery store, I am getting a little anxious. I find myself getting excited at the slightest bit of pain that might mean something. In fact, I've never looked forward to pain so much. And that makes me think I might be going a little crazy...

This has been the longest week of my whole life.


Lynn said...

We are all waiting with bated breath (whatever that means) right along with you (we just aren't as uncomfortable as you are) if that gives you any comfort (which it probably doesn't).

Amy said...

Try not to worry too much--this too will pass. Hopefully sooner than you expect.

P.S. If you get too bored, you could always make a logo for me :-) (and I would pay you).

Mike and Emily said...

I can't wait to meet your little lady! Labor is such a wild ride...and remember that she'll be a lot more work once she's here so take as many naps as you can!

Amy said...

At least the football gods were kind enough to schedule the world cup during this week - otherwise you would only have Wipeout to get you through the waiting. This obviously was not amy's contribution.

Mike + Mo said...

Oooo! I can't wait to see what she looks like!