Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Spy Training...

Today Alisa went rock climbing and I obtained her ID badge so I could sneak into the exhibition hall to use the free internet. I feel extremely dishonest, but wildly exhilarated. Since I want to become a spy anyway, Roo says that this will be a great point for my spy resume--the time I used a fake badge to sneak into the SEG Convention. 

It was either that or attend lectures with titles like: 
Improvements in reservoir modeling of compressional structures.
Three-dimensional electromagnetic holographic imaging in offshore petroleum exploration.

Can you blame me for my deceit?

I had better stop writing now, I think the Spaniard across from me suspects something...


TJ said...

You are so Sydney, say hi to that hottie Sark if you see him.

John-Maren Goodman said...

LOL you are so risk-a!~ Being all 007, James Bond! Your posts are some of my favorite to read! Keep it up!~

Merfy said...

I love stealth missions!