Saturday, April 19, 2008

So now we have a blog. While once I used to make fun of blogs and the people who kept them, I have learned yet again that we all eventually become the things we make fun of.  Hopefully this will allow us to keep in touch with our friends and family, and will encourage us to do fun things so we can talk about them on our blog.


Sarah said...

Your blog is so cute! It fits you guys! Hope all goes well with your new job!

The Marcons said...

Um I was stalking Amy and Jordans blog and noticed yours. I'm a little bitter that you never told me you had one, but it's counteracted by the fact that I'm very happy you finally caved! Those pics are really cute! Random side note: Annie have you read all of Twilight yet?

Amy said...

congrats on getting the blog....hope things are going well up in Taylorsville!

The Marcons said...

Well unfortunately, I haven't found a way to let people know you have a blog through blogger. I would just send out emails to the people you know and suggest they start one up or give you their address if they already have one. If you're stalking other people's blogs and find someone you know then post a comment with ur address. I'm sure you already figured that stuff out by now.

jim said...

Hey, I'm glad you guys started a blog. They're definitely fun, especially for those of us who want to know what you're up to, but live so far away. We'll read as frequently as you post!